
What is c language

C is a general-purpose, computer programming language supporting structured programming, it was developed by  Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs at Bell Labs, it is also the  oldest computer programmer language

Program to find Addition of "n" numbers useing for loop

Program :- #include<iostream.h> void main() { int total = 0; for(int i=1;i<11;i++)  \\ 11 number i used for example { total  = total + i; } cout<<"sum of first 10 numbers is :-"<<total;  \\10 number i used to get output of }                                                                            \\sum of 10 numbers Output :- sum of first 10 numbers is:- 55 It is one of the great programs for example u can just change the numbers and get the output of any number you want Its like 1+2+3+4 =10 This is for sum of 4 numbers. 

Deciding the day of week using switch-case construct in C++

Program :- #include<iostream.h> void main() { int day: cout<<"Enter the number in between of 1 to 7 to get corresponding day :"; cin>>day; switch(day) {       case 1: cout<<"Today is Sunday";       break;       case 2: cout<<"Today is Monday";       break;       case 3: cout<<"Today is Tuesday";       break;       case 4: cout<<"Today is Wednesday";       break;       case 5: cout<<"Today is Thursday";       break;       case 6: cout<<"Today is Friday";       break;          case 7: cout<<"Today is Saturday";       break;        default : cout<<"Not a valid day";       break; } } Output :- Enter the numberin betweeen of 1 to 7 to get corresponding day : 3 Today is Tuesday IF THE NUMBER IS NOT BETWEEN 1 TO 7 THE OUT PUT WILL BE   " Not a valid day "

A program illustrating how to pass reference to object as a function argument in C++

 A program illustrating how to pass reference to object as a function argument Program Explanation : Here in the putdata() function we have passed reference to object to modifiy the data member from within the member function via it's Object. Program :- #include<iostream,h> class ABC { public: int data; void getdata() { cout<<"Enter number:"; cin<<data; cout<<"You entered:"<<data; } void putdata(ABC &obj) {; cout<<"Now number is changed to:"<<; } }; void main() { ABC obj1; obj1.getdata(); obj1.putdata(obj1); } Output is : Entered number : 10 You entered : 10 Now number is changed to :    -10

Accessing members of a class using pointers (pointers to object members of a class) in C++

Accessing members of a class using pointers (pointers to object members of a class) Pointers to Object members We have seen use of pointers, to point to a variable. Pointers can also be used to point object (members of a class): Program :- #include<iostream.h> class ABC { public: int data; void getdata() { cout<<"Enter data:"; cin>>data; cout<<"The number entered is :"<<data; } }; void main() { ABC obj; int *p; p = &; cout<<*p; ABC *q; q =&; q->getdata(); } Output :- 3 Entered the number : 5 The number entered is : 5 

Illustrates invoking class members (data and function) via instance (objects) in C++

Program :- #include<iostream.h> class ABC { public: int i; void display() { cout<<"Invoking member function through object"; } }; void main() { ABC obj; obj.i=4; cout<<obj.i; obj.display(); } Output :- 4 Invking member functon through object

What are OBJECT in C++ ?

OBJECT in C++ Objects are autonomous entities of the class; they are instances of the class and belong to class. Traditionally, code and data have been kept apart but in o-o (object-oriented) programming, code and data are meregd into a single indivisible thing and object. Thus methods are normally invoked using objects.